Tuesday 2 September 2014


Grade 8 French Course Outline

Course Description:

·         Students will use the grammatical components and the vocabulary of the French language, orally and in writing.

·         Students will be given the opportunity to participate in the most authentic experiences possible.

·         Students will become aware of francophone culture in Canada and the world.

·         Students will practice their skills and choose strategies to improve communication in the French language.

Units of Study:

1.       L’ecole

2.      La musique

3.      Fetes et mardi gras

4.      Les pays du monde

5.      Une visite au zoo

Assessments :

·         Oral Communication (Question du jour, Presentations)

·         Reading (Assignments, Listening Exercises)

·         Writing (Poster, Magazine Cover, Comic, Picture Book)

·         Culture (Class Discussions)

Sites du Web

Devoir/, Pouvoir/Vouloir au present

Vouloir, pouvoir, et devoir


Social Studies

Grade 8 Social Studies Course Outline

Course Description:

The grade 8 social studies curriculum is based on the key concept of World History:  Societies of the Past.  Students study the significance of past societies and how they have influenced us today.

Units of Study:

1.       Cluster 1:  Understanding Societies Past and Present

2.      Cluster 2:  Early Societies of Mesopotamia, Egypt, or the Indus Valley

3.      Cluster 3:  Ancient Societies of Greece and Rome

4.      Cluster 4:  Transition to the Modern World (Circa 500 to 1400)

5.      Cluster 5:  Shaping the Modern World (Circa 1400 to 1850)


·         Assignments

·         Projects

·         Presentations

·         Quizzes

·         Tests


Creation Myths

Creation Myths from around the World
Links to creation myths:
The Gods of Ancient Egypt, the Creation:
Encyclopedia Mythica:
Saskatchewan Education, Native Studies, Precontact, Teachers’ Resource Guide:
(This PDF Teachers’ Resource Guide contains some examples of Aboriginal creation stories) 


Students’ Friend, Geography and History, Unit 1, Prehistory, Origins of the Earth and Humans:
Museum of Civilization, Mothers of Time, Paleolithic: 
Human Pre-History: An Exhibition:
Electronic Passport to Prehistory:

Ancient Greece and Rome

Map of Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece:

BBC Historic Figures:

BBC, History, Greeks:

Mr. Donn’s Ancient History, Ancient Greece:

Mr. Donn’s Ancient History, Ancient Rome:

Greek Names vs. Roman Names:

The Origins for the Secular Names for the Days of the Week:

Shakespeare Resource Centre, Play Synopses:

The MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive, Index of Ancient Greek Mathematics:

CyberSleuth Kids, History of Mathematics:

Nove Roma, Roman Numerals:

Nova, Archimedes:

Latin phrases and words used in English:

Omniglot, A Guide to Writing Systems, Latin language:

Great Buildings, Pantheon: 

Roman Forum:

The Roman Forum:

Seven Wonders, Greece:

Ancient Greek Architecture:
http ://www.greatbuildings.com/types/styles/greek.html

Ancient Roman Architecture:
http ://www.greatbuildings.com/types/styles/roman.html


Grade 8 Science Course Outline

Course Description:

Students will use scientific skills and attitudes, including scientific inquiry and the design process, throughout the four thematic units.

Units of Study:

Cluster 1 :  Cells and Systems

Cluster 2 :  Optics

Cluster 3 :  Fluids

Cluster 4 :  Water Systems


·         Safety Procedures

·         Experiments

·         Design Process

·         Assignments

·         Projects

·         Quizzes

·         Tests

Cell Theory News Release

Rating Scale



Poor     Good     Excellent

The news release

·         Identifies main scientists and their contributions

·         Identifies major points of the cell theory

·         Uses a format/approach suited to a news release


1     2     3     4     5


1     2     3     4     5


1     2     3     4     5




Grade 8 English Language Arts Course Outline

Course Description:

In English Language Arts (ELA), I establish a balance between routine activities and thematic units of study to support students in their growth in literacy.

·         Students will complete weekly spelling word booklets, which include word play activities such as:  Scattegories, Scrabble, Boggle, Word Ladder, Prefix and Suffix Splash, Word Wheel, Root Tree, Acronyms, Weekly Edit, and Word Sort.

·         Students will be given the opportunity to choose their own reading materials based on their interests, during SQUIRT (Silent Quiet Uninterrupted Reading Time).

·         Students will be able to vote on a MYRCA (Manitoba Young Readers’ Choice Awards) nominated novel to be read aloud by the teacher.

·         Throughout the school year, students can practice creative writing with various quick write activities. 

General Learning Outcomes:

1.       General Outcome 1:  Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences.

2.      General Outcome 2: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, literary, and media texts.

3.      General Outcome 3: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to manage ideas and information.

4.      General Outcome 4: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.

5.      General Outcome 5: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to celebrate and to build community.

Units of Study:
·         Who I Am
·         Poetry
·         Cue for Treason
·         Non-fiction
·         Debating
·         Word booklets
·         Reading responses
·         Writing
·         Projects
·         Presentations





Grade 8 Mathematics Course Outline

Course Description:

Students will use the mathematical processes of communication, making connections, mental mathematics and estimation, problem solving, reasoning, technology, and visualization to improve their mathematical skills.  Unlike most other subjects, math is not divided into units of study.  Math skills and concepts are regularly reviewed throughout the school year.

General Learning Outcomes:

1.       Develop number sense.

2.      Use patterns to describe the world and solve problems.

3.      Represent algebraic expressions in multiple ways.

4.      Use direct or indirect measurement to solve problems.

5.      Describe characteristics of 3-D objects and 2-D shapes, and analyze the relationships among them.

6.      Describe and analyze position and motion of objects and shapes.

7.      Collect, display and analyze data to solve problems.

8.     Use experimental and theoretical probabilities to represent and solve problems involving uncertainty.


·         Mental Math

·         Homework

·         Assignments

·         Quizzes

·         Tests

Letter to Parents

September 3, 2014

Emerado Centennial School 
675 Prairie View Drive
Winkler, MB
R6W 1M5
Phone: 204.331.4533
Fax: 204.331.3656


Dear Parents/Guardians,

This is my second year at Emerado Centennial School, and I look forward to teaching your children.  This year, I am teaching the 8MF homeroom, which includes English language arts (ELA), mathematics, science, and social studies.  I am also teaching eighth grade French, literacy, and exploratory courses to students who choose these options. 

My expectations are that my students come to class prepared to learn, and they are able to stay organized and finish their work at home if necessary.  I will keep my classroom blog current, and I also will post homework.  To view, go to http://missmfehr.blogspot.ca.  We have a lot of material to cover in grade 8 to get ready for high school, but I think we will have a great time doing it!

If you ever have any concerns, feel free to contact me anytime.  You can reach me by telephone at the school, 204.331.4533 or by email at melanie.fehr@gvsd.ca. I am really looking forward to getting to know everybody and to another fun school year!


Melanie Fehr

Please sign and return bottom portion of this page.


Parent/Guardian Name(s): ____________________________________________________________

Phone:  ____________________________________________________________

Email:  ____________________________________________________________


1.       Come to class on time, with a pen and paper, ready to learn and share your ideas.

2.      Keep items in the classroom neat, tidy, and organized.

3.      Treat others with respect, and be prepared to work as a team.

4.      Always do your best, and ask questions if you are unsure of what to do next.

5.      Use your class time wisely, complete your homework, and hand your work in according to the deadline.  Class time is always given before an assignment becomes homework.

6.      Complete your agenda at the end of every school day, and have it signed by Miss Fehr before you leave.

7.      If you miss a class, pick up extra copies of the work you missed from the “Extra” folder near the window sill.  Ask somebody what you missed.  It is YOUR responsibility to catch up!

***LATE assignments can be deducted 2% per day to a maximum of 20% if you do not have an agreement with Miss Fehr for an extension.

***Cheating, lying, or plagiarism will NOT be tolerated!!!!!

Aspects of academic dishonesty include cheating (e.g., copying others’ work, using cheat notes), lying (e.g., misrepresenting contributions to group work, lying about circumstances to obtain extensions), and plagiarizing (submitting or representing someone else’s work as one’s own).